*********************************************************************************** This directory contains fixes for R/390 Release *********************************************************************************** General Infomation: ------------------- * p370.obj for AIX 3.2.5 Fix Methods: ------------ ALWAYS shutdown the 390 OS AND stop390 (END P/390) before applying any fix. ALWAYS back up the old module before applying any fix module. ALWAYS observe the module type (BIN vs. ASC). ALWAYS observe the mixed case file names (do not convert). See which of these steps to use below for each fix (Patch Steps): 1) Copy module to /usr/bin/p370 and remove the file extention 2) chmod 755 mod_name 3) ipl370 (IPL P/390) to activate 4) Copy module to /etc/drivers and remove the file extention 5) shutdown -Fr (reboot AIX to activate) 6) Copy module to /usr/bin/p370 and change the file extention to .EXE 7) chmod 644 mod_name 8) Copy module to /usr/bin/p370 as is (ASCII file) Fixes for ------------------ D S C E Y U V S S T T T E E E T S S No/Filename MMDDYY Fix description T T T CoReqs Steps ----------------- ------ -------------------------------------------- ------ ----- 01 dm34xx.Abin 050797 Allow AIX to use drive aft MVS offline Y N N None 1-2-3 02 lcs3172rx.Abin 050797 Errors as non-preferred guest under VM Y N N 03 1-2-3 03 lcs3172tx.Abin 050797 Errors as non-preferred guest under VM Y N N 02 1-2-3 04 chan.Abin 050797 Fixes 4245 single cycle problem (VSE) Y N Y None 1-2-3 Fixes 3174 file transfer problem Y N N None 1-2-3 chan.Cbin 070197 ASYNC interrupt handling enhancments Y N Y None 1-2-3 Fixed halt to a suspended device 14786 Y N N None 1-2-3 5088 fix & more interrupt enhancments Y Y Y None 1-2-3 See huron PVM ESA mode CHAIN-DATA-READ problem Y Y N None 1-2-3 PVM ESA mode Invalid Address problem Y Y N None 1-2-3 05 dmhuron.Abin 050897 3174 TIO problem (370 mode) Y Y N 06.07 1-2-3 See chan dmhuron.Bbin 062697 5088/GAM-CADM fixes Y Y Y 06 huronmain.Abin 051697 Fixes 5088 problem (GAM apps) Y N N 05,07 4-2-5 See chan huronmain.Bbin 062697 Fixes 3480/3420 VM/370 IPL Y N Y More 5088/GAM-CADAM fixes Y Y Y 07 hurondd.Abin 051697 Fixes 5088 problem (GAM apps) Y N N 05,06 4-2-5 See chan hurondd.Bbin 062697 Fixes 3480/3420 VM/370 IPL Y N Y More 5088/GAM-CADAM fixes Y Y Y 08 dmckd.Abin 052197 Added detection of invalid seek arg Y Y N None 1-2-3 dmckd.Bbin 062697 CMS Format problem (VM 370 ?) Y Y N None 1-2-3